1. Responsibilities of the NCC?
National Codex Committee has the following responsibilities:
to determine priorities, initiate and guide development and maintenance of food standards, regulations and related texts through existing or designated national food technical committees;
to establish a framework for the generation, collating and processing of scientific data to enhance and enrich Codex, national, regional and international food standards, regulations and related texts;
to formulate national positions and representing national interests at Codex Alimentarius commission, at regional, Africa and international levels on matters related to food standards, regulations and related texts;
to put in place mechanisms to assess the socio-economic impacts in relation to the implementation of food standards, regulations and related texts and make recommendations to the relevant stakeholders for appropriate actions;
to approve procedural manual of the National Codex Committee;
to advise the Government on the best possible decisions regarding food standards, policies, regulations and related texts, and their implementation.
2. Structure of the NCC
The National Codex Committee is composed of the following Organs:
Executive Committee
Codex Contact Point
Technical Committees.
3. Procedure manual of the NCC
The procedural manual of the national codex committee is a guiding document describing mainly the following:
Responsibilities of the national codex committee and its organs
Establishment of the National Codex Committee and its organs
Convening and conducting meetings of the NCC and its organs
Participation in regional/international standardization work
Cooperation and relations between the NCC with other organizations
For more details click here (Hyperlink to the procedure manual)
4. Subcommittee
The national codex committee undertake technical work through the following RSB/Technical committees:
S/N | RSB/TC Reference number and title | Responsible Secretary | Contact |
| RSB/TC 001 Non-alcoholic beverages | Niyonshuti Rosine | Rosine.niyonshuti@rsb.gov.rw 0786561394 |
| RSB/TC 002 Tea and derived products | Ndahimana Jerome | j.ndahimana@rsb.gov.rw 0788454104 |
| RSB/TC 003 Cereals, pulses, legumes and cereal products | Niyonshuti Rosine | Rosine.niyonshuti@rsb.gov.rw 0786561394 |
| RSB/TC 004 Milk and milk products | Niyonshuti Rosine | Rosine.niyonshuti@rsb.gov.rw 0786561394 |
| RSB/TC 005 Meat and meat products | Mucyo Aimable | Aimable.mucyo@rsb.gov.rw 0788580303 |
| RSB/TC 006 Edible oils and fats | Mucyo Aimable | Aimable.mucyo@rsb.gov.rw 0788580303 |
| RSB/TC 008 Animal feeding stuffs | Ndahimana Jerome | j.ndahimana@rsb.gov.rw 0788454104 |
| RSB/TC 012 Sugars and sugar products | Niyonshuti Rosine | Rosine.niyonshuti@rsb.gov.rw 0786561394 |
| RSB/TC 016 Fresh fruits and vegetables | Mucyo Aimable | Aimable.mucyo@rsb.gov.rw 0788580303 |
| RSB/TC 019 Spices, condiments | Mucyo Aimable | Aimable.mucyo@rsb.gov.rw 0788580303 |
| RSB/TC 022 Nutrition and foods for special dietary uses | Niyonshuti Rosine | Rosine.niyonshuti@rsb.gov.rw 0786561394 |
| RSB/TC 027 Beekeeping and beekeeping products | Mucyo Aimable | Aimable.mucyo@rsb.gov.rw 0788580303 |
| RSB/TC 030 Roots and tubes | Ndahimana Jerome | j.ndahimana@rsb.gov.rw 0788454104 |
| RSB/TC 031 Alcoholic beverages | Niyonshuti Rosine | Rosine.niyonshuti@rsb.gov.rw 0786561394 |
| RSB/TC 032 Seeds and planting materials | Ndahimana Jerome | j.ndahimana@rsb.gov.rw 0788454104 |
| RSB/TC 035 Coffee and derived products | Ndahimana Jerome | j.ndahimana@rsb.gov.rw 0788454104 |
| RSB/TC 036 Fish and fish products | Mucyo Aimable | Aimable.mucyo@rsb.gov.rw 0788580303 |
| RSB/TC 038 Processed fruits and vegetables | Niyonshuti Rosine | Rosine.niyonshuti@rsb.gov.rw 0786561394 |
5. Program of work of the national codex committee
Ongoing work at national level
Link to the Program of work of NCC Sub committees/RSB TCs under food and Agriculture as listed above
6. Ongoing work of interest at codex work
Title of the work
National Consultation (Date, Agenda, Documents, National Position)
Do you want to participate in any of the work of interest (Nomination Form)