1 GET IT RWANDA LTD 250782307254,Prime Economic Zone,Phase 1, Plot No:E 11, Ndera Sector, Gasabo District, City of Kigali Category CII: Reception of fresh fruits and vegetables, processing (washing, grading, sorting, weighing, shrink wrapping) packaging including dispatch of fresh fruits and vegetables. It also includes the processes which have impact on food safety. 08/RSB/DG/NCD/FLI/20-21 09-Jun-21 08-Jun-24 Under Recertification Process
2 RUBAYA TEA FACTORY 250788304640, P.O.BOX:1576-Kigali,info@rwandamountaintea.com,Ngororero District, Western Province Category CIV: Tea processing; from reception of green leaf, withering, rolling/cutting, fermentation/oxidation, drying, sorting and grading, storage, labeling and packaging, including dispatch. 02/RSB/DG/NCD/SCO/FLI/21-22 05-Aug-21 04-Aug-24 Under Recertification Process
3 RWASHOSCCO Ltd Mulindi Sector, Kicukiro District and City of Kigali Category CIV:Reception of green coffee,storage of green coffee,roasting,grinding,cooling,packaging and labelling ,storage of roasted coffee beans and roasted ground coffee(Angelique's finest coffee and Maraba coffee including dispatch) 01/RSB/DG/NCD/SCO/FLI/21-22 21-Jul-21 20-Jul-24 Under Recertification Process
4 NYABIHU TEA FACTORY 250786182956,Nyabihu District Category CIV: Tea processing; from reception of green leaf, withering, rolling/cutting, fermentation/oxidation, drying, sorting and grading, storage, labeling and packaging, including dispatch. 03/RSB/DG/NCD/SCO/FLI/21-22 08-Nov-21 08-Oct-24 Valid
5 NSHILI KIVU TEA FACTORY Ltd Nyabimata sector, Nyaruguru District, Southern Province Category CIV: Tea processing; from reception of green leaf, withering, rolling/cutting, fermentation/oxidation, drying, sorting and grading, storage, labeling and packaging, including dispatch. 04/RSB/DG/NCD/FLI/21-22 16-Aug-24 29-Jul-27 Valid
6 KITABI TEA COMPANY LTD Southern Province, Nyamagabe District, Kitabi Sector Category CIV: Tea processing; from reception of green leaf, withering, rolling/cutting, fermentation/oxidation, drying, sorting and grading, storage, labeling and packaging, including dispatch. 05/RSB/DG/NCD/FLI/21-22 09-Jan-21 31-Aug-24 Under Recertification Process
7 RUTSIRO TEA FACTORY Western Province,Rutsiro District,Gihango Sector Category CIV: Tea processing; from reception of green leaf, withering, rolling/cutting, fermentation/oxidation, drying, sorting and grading, storage, labeling and packaging, including dispatch. 06/RSB/DG/NCD/FLI/21-22 09-Aug-21 09-Jul-24 Under Recertification Process
8 RWANDA FARMERS COFFEE COMPANY Ltd City of Kigali, MAGERWA Street /KK 6 AV, Rwanda Category CIV:Reception of green coffee beans, roasting, cooling, grinding, packaging, labelling, storage, including distribution 08/RSB/DG/NCD/FLI/21-22 22-Sep-21 21-Sep-24 Valid
9 KEZA FARMERS'PRIDE LTD Gatenga, Kicukiro District, City of Kigali, P.O. Box 3237 Kigali, Rwanda CategoryCII:Reception of fresh produce (Fruits, Vegetables, Herbs and Tubers), processing (sorting, weighing, washing and sanitizing/wiping, packaging, storage and transportation) 09/RSB/DG/NCD/FLI/21-22 13-Nov-21 10-Dec-24 Valid
10 MATA TEA COMPANY LTD Sourthern Province,Nyaruguru District,Mata Sector,Murambi cell Category CIV: Tea processing; from reception of green leaf, withering, rolling/cutting, fermentation/oxidation, drying, sorting and grading, storage, labeling and packaging, including dispatch. 10/RSB/DG/NCD/FLI/21-22 21-Jan-22 20-Jan-25 Valid
11 PRODEV-RWANDA Ltd Nsinda Sector, Rwamagana District and Eastern Province Category D1:Reception of raw materials, processing to storage and dispatch of animal feeds for cattle, swine and poultry. 01/RSB/DG/NCD/FLI/22-23 17-Aug-22 16-Aug-25 Valid
12 GATARE TEA COMPANY LTD Karambi Sector, Rushyarara Cell, Nyamasheke District, Western Province . Category CIV: Tea processing; from reception of green leaf, withering, rolling/cutting, fermentation/oxidation, drying, sorting and grading, storage, labeling and packaging, including dispatch. 02/RSB/DG/NCD/FLI/22-23 14-Dec-22 13-Dec-25 Valid
13 RADISSON BLU HOTEL&CONVENTION CENTER, KIGALI Kimihurura, Roundabout, P.O. Box 6629 Kigali,Kimihurura Sector, Gasabo District, Kigali City. Category E:Food handling process from purchase, reception, storage of meals, food and drinks, food preparation and cooking up to food service 01/RSB/DG/NCD/FLI/23-24 06-Jul-23 05-Jul-26 Valid
14 SOSOMA INDUSTRIES LTD 1st Site:Cell Niboye, Niboye, Kicukiro District, City of Kigali H/Q, and 2nd Site:Ntarama Sector, Bugesera District, Eastern province Category CIV: Production process from reception of raw materials, processing,packaging up to dispatch of Sosoma 1 Composite Flour, Sosoma 1 Fortified Composite Flour, Sosoma 2 Fortified Composite Flour, Sosoma Red Sorgum Flour, Somugure MSB Fortified Composite Flour, Somugure MSB composite flour, Somisaka white sorghum flour, Somungane wheat flour, Somimpeke red sorghum flour, Teta edible full fat soya flour, songa milled maize meal flour and Soya tea soft hot drink 02/RSB/DG/NCD/FLI/23-24 29-Sep-23 28-Sep-26 Valid
15 MINIMEX LTD Nyarugunga Sector, Kicukiro District, and City of Kigali. Category CIV:Production process from reception of raw materials, milling, packaging,and dispatch of finished products(Sifted maize meal, fortified maize meal and maize grits) 03/RSB/DG/NCD/FLI/23-24 08-Dec-23 07-Oct-26 Valid
16 SINA GERARD /ENTREPRISE URWIBUTSO Rulindo District, Bushoki Sector, Nyirangarama Cell in Northern Province Category CIV and BI:Reception of raw materials, farming of Chilli pepper, passion fruits and Strawberries, processing of AGASHYA passion fruits squashes, Agashya Pineapple Squash, Agashya Strawberry Squash, Akarusho Banana Based Alcoholic Beverages, Akabanga Chilli Oil, Akanozo Wheat Flour, Akanozo Sorghum Flour, Akanozo Millet and Akanozo Composite Flour, Akanozo roasted wheat flour, Akabanga chili sunflower oil, Akanozo roasted soya bean flour including dispatch of finished products. 04/RSB/DG/NCD/FLI/23-24 15-Dec-23 14-Dec-26 Valid
17 MUSHUBI TEA COMPANY LTD Buruhukiro Sector, Nyamagabe District ,Southern Province. Category BI: Farming of tea, and Category CIV: Tea processing from reception of green leaves, withering, rolling/cutting, fermentation, drying, sorting and grading, packaging and labelling, storage including dispatch of CTC Black Tea. 05/RSB/DG/NCD/FLI/23-24 19-Jan-24 18-Jan-27 Valid
18 INYANGE INDUSTRIES LTD Gasabo District, Kigali City, KK3 Road Kigali Category CI: Reception of raw materials, processing up to dispatch of products: Milk and Milk products; UHT Milk (including whole and low fat, flavoured and plain), Pasteurized milk, Yogurts (flavoured), Fermented milk, Butter, Fresh cream and Ghee. Category CIV: Reception of raw materials, processing up to dispatch of products: Mineral water, Fruit drinks, Fruits Nectar and Fruit juices. It also includes the processes which have impact on food safety. Site: Inyange Industries Ltd (Masaka Plant) site locate at KK 3 Rd Masaka, Kigali Category CI: Reception of raw materials, processing up to dispatch of Gouda Cheese. Site: Mukamira Site Located in Nyabihu District, Western Province. 06/RSB/DG/NCD/FLI/23-24 21-Jun-24 18-Jan-27 Valid
19 KINAZI CASSAVA PLANT LTD Kinazi sector, Ruhango District, South Province CIV category: Production of fine Cassava flour from reception of cassava tubers, processing including dispatch. 07/RSB/DG/NCD/FLI/23-24 06-Jul-24 21-Jan-27 Valid
20 BAKHRESA GRAIN MILLING RWANDA LTD 0788381498 ,P.O BOX: 6358 KSEZ, Bumbogo, Gasabo District Category CIV Processing of ambient stable products: from reception of raw material, milling of Azam white Gold flour,Brown Flour, Cake Flour, Biscuit Flour, Special Bakers Flour, Home Baking Flour, Ngano Bora Flour, Pure Pattent Flour and Atta Flour up to and including dispatch. 08/RSB/DG/NCD/FLI/23-24 21-Jun-24 23-Mar-27 Valid

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