RSB Technical Committees
RSB Technical Committees
Standards are the basis for all the processes of the standardizing work. They are documents established by consensus from different technical experts (from research, industry, exporters, sector players, academia, regulators, development partners, Consumer Associations, etc). Standards development is a consensus process that begins with the development of a draft that meets market needs within a specific area or sector. The National Standards Division act as the Secretariat to these committees and project managers in standards development. The standards to be developed are derived from the National Standardization Plan (NSP) and the Regional Standardization Plan (EAC RSP).
Rwanda National Standards are developed based on the best international standardization principles namely: openness, transparency, impartiality, effectiveness and relevance, coherence and harmonization, prevention of unnecessary obstacles to trade, development dimension, due process, performance based, stakeholders’ engagement and, science-based discussion. For more details refer to Standardization principles .
It takes many people working together to develop a standard. RSB’s role is similar to that of a conductor, while the orchestra is made up of independent technical experts nominated by our members. RSB follows international best practices while developing standards. The following are principles followed:
Participation in Rwanda Standards Development process is open on a non-discriminatory basis to all interested parties:
a) representation at TC/SC/NEC/NMC/NEC/WG;
b) public enquiry process (Public review) on Draft Rwanda Standards (RS); and
c) right to propose new work item.
The development of Rwanda Standards is a transparent process and all essential information must be accessible to all interested parties through:
a) announcement of approved work programme on the RSB website and notification to ISO/IEC information centre;
b) announcement of drafts for public review on the website of RSB, official newspaper and a notification to WTO Secretariat;
c) notification and publication of approved/adopted/amended/re-affirmed standards;
d) anyone in need of Rwanda Standards can have them in accordance with RSB procedures
e) accessibility of the catalogue of Rwanda Standards on RSB website (Standards Webstore).
The Rwanda Standards development process does not favour the interests of any particular party and grants equal rights and opportunities in the development and in the dissemination of standards to all interested parties.
General agreement; characterized by the absence of sustained opposition to substantial issues by any important part of the concerned interests and by a process that involves seeking to take into account the views of all parties concerned and to reconcile any conflicting arguments.
Effectiveness and relevance
In order to serve the national interests Rwanda Standards need to be relevant and to effectively respond to regulatory and market needs, as well as scientific and technological developments.
Coherence and harmonisation
To avoid duplication and conflict RSB participates in regional and international standardization activities and adopts regional and international standards where applicable; except where such standards or relevant parts would be ineffective or inappropriate Hence, cooperation and coordination with the international, regional and sub-regional standardization bodies must be consistently undertaken
Prevention of unnecessary obstacles to trade
Rwanda Standards are not be prepared, adopted or applied with a view to, or with the effect of, creating unnecessary obstacles to trade.
Development dimension
Having mechanisms for facilitation of the participation of SMEs and all stakeholders in the standards development process.
Due process
Rwanda Standards development work is carried out in accordance with established stages, principles and practices
Performance based
Whenever possible, requirements are expressed in terms of performance rather than design or descriptive characteristics to allow maximum freedom for technical development and reduce risks of undesirable market impacts.
Stakeholders’ engagement
Stakeholders are important for RSB and should be actively engaged in the policy and technical levels related to standardisation activities.
Science based discussion
It is not simple provision of comment/question or argument. Any point in an RSB/TC base on scientific documented research.
Any information related to standards development and conformity assessment is kept confidential and can be shared in respect of existing procedures and not disclosed to whoever, whenever and however.
For more information. Please read RS 0 Standard for standards (hyperlink to RS 0:2019).
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