
RSB Strategic plans

RSB develops strategic documents which lay a roadmap of what Rwanda Standards Board (RSB) will be undertaking within the planned period. The Plan provides a blueprint for RSB to contribute to the national development with excellent services delivery through standardization, certification, quality testing and metrology services. RSB Strategic Plan is built on lessons learnt during the implementation of the previous Strategic Plan. The plan is developed in a participatory approach which entails consultation with internal and external stakeholders. RSB Management is in charge of ensuring that its Strategic Plan is implemented effectively. We appreciate the support of all our stakeholders, and we hope our continued collaboration will drive the implementation of the current Strategic Plan 2021-2025. Rwanda also participates in the development of regional strategic plans such as the EAC Regional Standardization Plan (RSP) and ARSO Strategic Plan.

The following are the current strategic plans:

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RSB__Strategic_Plan-2020-2025.pdf 720 KB Jun 25, 2024

“RSB services are delivered in consideration of gender equality to ensure inclusive sustainable socio-economic development”