Call for Expression of Interest to participate in the 12th Continental ARSO Essay Competition

Call for Expression of Interest to participate in the 12th Continental ARSO Essay Competition whose theme is " Role of Education about Standardization (EaS) in shaping Education and African Students for the Sustainable Development opportunities and challenges in the 21st Century "

Rwanda Standards Board (RSB) is pleased to inform the public especially academia that there is an Open Call for Expression of Interest (CEI), from African Organization for Standardization (ARSO) regarding participation in essay writing competition on the theme "Role of Education about Standardization (EaS) in shaping Education and African Students for the Sustainable Development opportunities and challenges in the 21st Century".

RSB as National Standards Body in Rwanda is entrusted to organize and coordinate such competition at national level after which the first five contestants’ works will be submitted to ARSO central secretariat for further stages of the competition.

Therefore, this announcement is intended to invite interested students in universities and/or higher learning institutions to submit their essays on the aforementioned theme. RSB is thenceforth requesting universities and/or higher learning institutions to facilitate this exercise for their interested and competent students to participate.

The deadline for submission of the essays is 10th February 2025 through email: .

All necessary information about this call for expression of interest are available in the following documents accessible from RSB Website:

  1. Concept note with more details on the competition proceedings, conditions and awarding
  2. Registration form
  3. Flyer


For more information, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. NSENGIYUMVA Francois, email: , or by phone: 0788786293


Yours sincerely,



Director General

“RSB services are delivered in consideration of gender equality to ensure inclusive sustainable socio-economic development”