RSB Organizes Quality Standards Training for Face Mask Manufacturers

                                                                                                                                      Participants to the training              

In a bid to support the Government efforts related to protective measures set in place to fight the spread of COVID-19 virus; today April 28th, 2020, RSB in collaboration with the Rwanda Food and Drugs Authority (Rwanda FDA), Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA), Rwanda Development Board (RDB) and Private Sector Federation (PSF) has organized training on quality standards requirements for face masks. This training saw the attendance of 23 companies that were approved by Rwanda Food and Drugs Authority to manufacture Personal Protective Equipment’s (PPEs) in Rwanda.  

RSB’s prime mandate is to provide standards- based solutions that ensure products and services meet quality requirements to protect human health and safety, consumers, the environment and to solve global and societal challenges. In this regard, and in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, two important standards on face masks were developed to be used by manufacturers and other stakeholders:

                     1. RS 433-1 2020 Face masks — Specification —  Part 1 Medical masks and

                     2. RS 433-2 2020 Face masks — Specification — Part 2 Barrier masks.

Today’s training aimed at helping manufacturers understand the requirements of the above two standards, show them the conformity assessment (testing and certification) facilities readily available for their support so as to enable them to manufacture quality masks that fit the purpose and which are competitive on the market .

                                                                                                       RSB staff testing face masks

In addition to the requirements provided by the above mentioned two standards, Rwanda FDA recalled the published guidelines and quality inspections of face masks, while REMA presented on the packaging and disposal of used masks; and PSF emphasized support to industries to ensure continual manufacturing of quality masks that are needed by the public in Rwanda and other countries.


In his remarks to participants, Mr. MURENZI Raymond, Director General of Rwanda Standards Board reiterated the relevancy of quality standards in ensuring the quality of manufactured masks. He emphasized RSB’s continued commitment to joining hands with the Private Sector and other Government and Civil Society institutions in implementation of measures to fight COVID-19. He noted that RSB has established testing laboratories and certification services that will continue to work along other conformity assessment efforts.

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