RSB Signs the Declaration on Gender Responsive Standards and Standards Development

Rwanda Standards Board (RSB) is happy to announce the signature of Declaration on Gender Responsive Standards and Standards Development. To ensure achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number five (SGD N05) on Achieving Gender Equality and Empower all Women and Girls in standardization, Standards Bodies expressed their commitment by signing a declaration on Gender Responsive Standards and Standards Development.

By signing this declaration, Standards Bodies pledged to make standards and the standards development process gender responsive by creating and proactively implementing a gender action plan and tracking progress; collecting and sharing data, success stories and good practices.

Acknowledging the importance given to Gender Equality Principle by the Government of Rwanda and necessity of its integration in standardization activities at national level; Rwanda Standards Board as National Standards Body representing Rwanda in regional and international standardization activities signed the United Nations Economic Commission to Europe (UNECE) declaration.

In enhancement of the Gender Equality Principle, RSB has joined its efforts with Gender Monitoring Office to elaborate a joint national action plan to implement the declaration’s core objectives. The efforts are aimed to support gender responsiveness across the whole standardization value chain, and will benefit Women and girls in the industry and service sectors.

One important activity to be implemented under this declaration is to operationalize a gender certification seal which the two institutions will carry out under the support by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). This certification scheme aims to recognize institutions that evidenced their commitment in promoting gender equality.

Read the signed declaration here

“RSB services are delivered in consideration of gender equality to ensure inclusive sustainable socio-economic development”