About Zamukana Ubuziranenge (ZU) Program
Zamukana Ubuziranenge (ZU) Program was established under Rwanda Standards Board (RSB) to provide technical assistance to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) with the aim enabling them to comply with the requirements of applicable standards. The program aims to improve the quality and competitiveness of made in Rwanda products, enabling access to national, regional and international markets and building the quality culture within the business community.
1. Overview
Metrology is one of the National Quality Infrastructure Blocks that deals with ensuring accurate and reliable measurements performed in trade, manufacturing, health care and diagnosis processes, environmental protection, and safety enforcement. A sound metrology system is critical to Rwanda's sustainable development and expected to contribute to Rwanda’s NST2 economic and social development targets by introducing the private metrology laboratories, among others. The establishment of private metrology laboratories is mandated by both Rwanda's quality policy and law n° 70/2019, which governs metrology in Rwanda as of 10/01/2020.
Therefore, through Zamukana Ubuziranenge (ZU) program, RSB provides technical support to micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to sustainably establish metrology laboratories and systematically maintain the scope of its activities. This support aims to position these MSMEs for laboratory designation and attainment of metrology licenses to offer metrology services and other services related to metrology. RSB supports in performing gap assessment, training, coaching and calibration services to MSMEs willing to perform installation, repair, and maintenance of regulated measuring instruments; provide calibration and verification services; and manufacture measuring instruments.
As of today, 6 MSMEs are being assisted and this number is expected to increase .
2. Key applicable standards
Key applicable standards include but not limited to:
RS ISO/IEC 17025 | General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories |
RS OIML R 117 | Dynamic measuring systems for liquids other than water |
RS OIML R 76-1 | Non automatic weighting instruments — Part 1: Metrological and technical requirements — Tests |
RS OIML R 111-1 | Weights of classes E1, E2, E3, F1, F2, M1, M2 and M3 — Part 1: Metrological and technical requirements |
RS OIML R 71 | Fixed storage tanks. General requirements |
3. Objectives of technical assistance to SMEs in metrology services
Increased number of licensed MSMEs to offer the following metrology services:
4. Objectives of technicalLaws and regulations governing metrology services are found here: https://www.rsb.gov.rw/root/publications/laws
5. Licensed SMEs are found on this link: https://www.rsb.gov.rw/services/metrology/metrology-laboratories/legal-metrology-1
6. How to reach out Zamukana Ubuziranenge Program for more information or application for Technical Assistance?
“RSB services are delivered in consideration of gender equality to ensure inclusive sustainable socio-economic development”